Our Dads

Please note that River Days Australian Labradoodles’ dads have completed health testing as adult dogs. The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) is the gold standard for hip testing. The OFA does not issue final hip results for a dog tested before the age of two years old.

We are honored when families choose to work with our family and program. Our clients typically place high value on thorough health testing, and understand why it is an important investment. Membership to a widely respected Australian Labradoodle breed association such as the ALAA or WALA is a great start, but it does mean a breeder is testing to the highest standards. Always confirm that your breeder is performing complete health testing according to OFA CHIC standards for the Australian Labradoodle, which can be verified via the publicly available OFA database. For your convenience, our dogs’ CHIC numbers, health testing results, and relevant links to their information are included under their profile pictures, and on their specific “health & stats” tab.


Registered Name: Waltzing Matilda’s A Star Over The Meherrin “Jesse”; Registration Numbers: WALA00013487, ALAA-077370, CHIC# 192552

CGC Certified

Meet Jesse and WOW! He’s gorgeous and has the most amazingly calm temperament– a real flop-dog! Jesse is affectionate and people oriented, and has such wonderfully intense eye contact. Our trainer has remarked on Jesse’s wonderful and sweet temperament on multiple occasions, which makes us incredibly proud. In his spare time, and when he’s not playing fetch, Jesse likes to snuggle and lounge around the house.  Jesse’s offspring have dependably sweet and affectionate temperaments, and many of them have inherited his athleticism. 

Jesse lives with his host family, the Barrows.

Color and Pattern: Apricot With White Markings (Parti Factored)

Size: Miniature Weight: 25 lbs  Height: 15 in


OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, CHIC# 192552


Registered Name: River Days Oliver So Much; Registration Numbers: WALA00035889, ALAA-092509, OFA CHIC# 192554

Meet Oliver, our tiny miniature curly coated stud. Oliver’s calm, highly intelligent, athletic and super affectionate personality is packed into a compact miniature Austrian Labradoodle structure.  We are proud of his temperament and physical characteristics that tick the boxes of the Australian Labradoodle breed standards. We are extremely excited to see Oliver-puppies in the very near future.

Oliver lives with his host family, the Fowlers, who have this to say about him:

“Oliver is a wonderful dog! He is smart and has been one of the easiest dogs we have ever trained. He was house broken within a week and slept through the night in his crate from the first night he joined our family. He has gotten along with our three other family dogs just beautifully. He likes to cuddle and enjoys doing just about anything with us. He has made our family complete”.

Color and Pattern: Solid Apricot

Size: Miniature Weight: 15 lbs  Height: 15 in

PennHips: Right 0.42, Left 0.40


OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required specific health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, CHIC# 192554


Registered Name: Labradoodle Dreams Beso De Chocolate; Registration Numbers: WALA00036511, ALAA-092508, OFA CHIC# 192665

CGC Certified

Beso lives in our home as a treasured member of our family. We are enjoying him so much! Here is what his person (Zeph) has to say about him…

“Beso’s my heart dog. We’ve had a bond since I flew home with him. Theresa has, at times, rightfully had to separate us to ensure Beso can be away from me. He’s still not happy about it, and will leave me a chewed up tissue or something equally benign if given the right chance to express himself.

He’s always been a good boy. And a smart boy. He’s still on-point with most all of his training and obedience, despite my best efforts to spoil it out of him. He didn’t have too much of a puppy or adolescent rebellious stage (except a misunderstanding with Theresa’s glasses). He’s always loved to play. Fetch is his favorite thing, and he’ll fetch anything. Only Brody is faster – no one is better.

These days he likes to play alpha, or elder, or something, to keep our other dogs in line. None of the others take him too seriously, though, and he ultimately yields to Sadie.

He loves his walks, heeling happily on- or off-leash and running around exploring when allowed. He has been professionally off-leash trained by our trainer. 

He got car-sick at first, but got used to it and now relishes a car ride with me – anytime, anywhere. You may, at times, catch his head out the window, enjoying the air and the smells and the view.

He’s perfectly fine in his crate but sleeps with us. Sometimes we go to sleep holding paws”.

Color and Pattern: Chocolate Tri-Colored Phantom (Parti Factored)

Size: Miniature Weight: 27 lbs  Height: 16.5 in

PennHips: Right 0.45, Left 0.31

OFA Hip FINALS: Excellent

OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, CHIC# 192665


Registered Name: Riverbend A Winter Journey with Bear, Registration Numbers: WALA00062509, ALAA-099331, OFA CHIC# 192555

CGC Certified

Bear lives in our home as a beloved member of our family. He is a super sweet boy, with a wonderful soft confidence. We call Bear the “family goofball”– he never takes himself too seriously and keeps us laughing. Bear did very well in training, and passed the AKC CGC exam with our 8-year-old son as his handler. We are so incredibly proud of both boys for that accomplishment. It’s one thing to do well with an adult, but its a whole other level to perform well with a kiddo leading the way. Bear has a unique and interesting coat trait called “roan”, which gives him his amazing and rare coat pattern. He has a wonderful wavy textured coat that’s super soft and gorgeous. He’s a handsome and special package, and we are so blessed to have him in our program.

Color and Pattern: Chocolate Parti Roan

Size: Medium Weight: 28 lbs  Height: 17 in

PennHips: Right 0.46, Left 0.42


OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, CHIC# 192555


Caramel Australian Labradoodles

Registered Name: Hilltop Doux Roux, Registration Numbers: WALA00077152, ALAA-112660, OFA CHIC# 192668

Roux is pronounced Roo and means “red” in French. France is a very special place to us, as one of our precious son-in-laws is French–and, we wanted a very special name for this gorgeous caramel sweetheart. Roux graduated training school and is living with his host family, the Fowlers. The Fowlers are also Oliver’s family. How wonderful that two of our boys get to share a family and life together.

Color and Pattern: Solid Caramel

Size: Medium Weight: 30 lbs  Height: 18 in

PennHips: Right .59, Left .52


OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, OFA CHIC# 192668


Tuxedo Australian Labradoodle

Registered Name: Coastal “Brody” Makes Waves; Registration Numbers: WALA00071996, ALAA-119312, OFA CHIC# 192558

CGC Certified

Brody lives in our home as a cherished member of our family. He is a sweet natured, affectionate, goofball who loves to snuggle and to play fetch. Brody consistently passes his wonderful temperament to his offspring, making them ideal family dogs! We are proud of his contributions to our program…not to mention he is STRIKINGLY handsome!

Color and Pattern: Apricot Tuxedo

Size: Medium Weight: 30 lbs  Height: 17 in

PennHips: Right 0.42, Left 0.40


OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Click the Paw Prints Genetics Profile Badge Below for Results 

You may search my OFA required health testing results via the OFA Canine Health Information Center by clicking the CHIC# or icon below and searching, OFA CHIC# 192558


Registered Name: Loveable Labradoodles Hang on Spike; Registration Numbers: WALA00072063, ALAA-124806, OFA CHIC# 204783

CGC Certified

Spike is a 13 lbs mini boy who is stealing our hearts! Spike lives in our home as a cherished member of our family.

Spike was supposed to go to a host family. But he hung around longer than expected for training and our rigorous health testing, and we fell in love with the little guy and couldn’t part with him. He’s our smallest dad, but he’s got a big, spunky personality without any trace of “small dog syndrome.” When the Puppy Nanny brought him to us, they were blown away by Spike’s relaxed temperament. He’s very outgoing and loves meeting River Days families taking home his offspring. He loves to play with the other dogs, and we often see him at the bottom of the pile, play-fighting off 3-4 others. Then, he’s the first one to stir up trouble for more play. He loves when we play fetch but doesn’t fetch – just loves harassing Brody while he chases the ball and brings it back. Sitting and cuddling is probably his favorite pastime, though, and he’s great company for our youngest at bedtime.

Color and Pattern: Solid Apricot

Size: Miniature Weight: 13 lbs  Height: 14 in

PennHip: Right 0.29, Left 0.25

OFA Hip FINALS: Excellent

OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Results- DM Clear, CY (LR), EIC Clear, HNPK Clear, NEwS Clear, PRA-crcd Clear, vWD Clear, IC Clear, Furnings F/F


Phantom Australian Labradoodle

Registered Name: River Days Blue Angels Jett; Registration Numbers: WALA00087713, ALAA-123300, OFA CHIC # 203395

Jett graduated from our trained puppy program and lives with his fabulous host family, the Howertons, who have this to say about him:

Jett is the best dog! He keeps us laughing with his silly ways. He’s so playful, but always makes time to sneak in a snuggle session with his mom and dad. Everyone is his best friend , humans and animals. He loves riding on his boat and expects his brothers to catch him a fish every cast. Jett is a very smart boy , sometimes too smart! He knows where every treat is hidden! Jett is the perfect addition to our family.”

Color and Pattern: Solid Black Phantom

Size: Medium Weight: 26 lbs  Height: 17 in

PennHip: Right 0.46, Left 0.44

OFA Hip FINALS: Excellent

OFA Elbow FINALS: Normal

OFA Patella FINALS: Normal 

OFA Advanced Cardiac: Normal

OFA CAER (eye): Normal

DNA Recessive Disease Testing: Results- DM Clear, CY (LR), EIC Clear, HNPK Clear, NEwS Clear, PRA-crcd Clear, vWD Clear, IC Clear, Furnings F/F

© 2018 River Days Australian Labradoodles. Our content and images are protected under federal copyright laws. We do not give permission to duplicate our content or images.