Our trained puppy price is $12,000.
It is truly delightful and gratifying to engage with a well-mannered puppy! We provide a select number of trained puppies to families who prefer to bypass the initial and most demanding stages of puppy-hood.
In addition to our 8-week-old puppy package, our trained puppy package includes:
- A puppy chosen by the Breeder/Trainer for the best outcomes
- A Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test, which is temperament assessment conducted by our dedicated trainer
- Comprehensive training (including on and off-leash) – obedience commands (such as sit, stay, come, kennel, heel, quiet, leave it, rest, no, and take a break), along with crate training and potty training suitable for the puppy’s age
- A complete series of veterinary check-ups, puppy immunizations (DHPP & Bordetella), rabies vaccination, fecal tests, and deworming preventative protocol
- Extensive socialization with people, other dogs, families, and the wider community
- A session to transition the puppy to the new family
- Ongoing support from the Trainer and Breeder throughout the trained puppy’s life
Lasting success in training occurs when families are dedicated to upholding consistent dog training principles at home.
In the video at the following link, observe our adorable trained puppy, Rose, interacting with our 9-year-old son!
Trained puppies are ready for their forever homes at approximately 20 weeks old. If you would like to add one of our trained Australian Labradoodle puppies to your family, please complete an application and indicate “trained puppy” on your application. Once we review your application, we will be in touch!
To secure a trained puppy on our reservation list, you must have an approved adoption application, along with a $2000 non-refundable reservation fee. The reservation fee is applied to the purchase price of the puppy, and is good for 2 years from the date of receipt. If you decide to cancel your puppy reservation for any reason, the $2000 reservation fee will be non-refundable and forfeited. This policy compensates us for the loss of potential puppy-families and the time invested in the process.

© 2018 River Days Australian Labradoodles. Our content and images are protected under federal copyright laws. We do not give permission to duplicate our content or images.